Partitions & Ceilings

There are many companies offering solutions for fire rated ceilings, walls and bulkheads using fire rated plasterboard systems. While Greyton can provide all of these services we also provide a wide range of specialist systems some of which can withstand fires for up to six hours as well as hydrocarbon fires. These products include:

  • Promatect L and H sandwich systems
  • Promatect L500 and H solid systems
  • Promatect 100 Walls/Ceiling
  • Vermiculux
  • Maxilite
  • Durasteel
  • Supalux

There has been extensive testing both in Australia and overseas to very high standards. Where these systems do not meet Australian standards, Greyton can have systems assessed by bodies such and CSIRO or BRANZ to ensure BCA and Australian standard compliance.


The above project at DHL is an example of a massive fire rated ceiling in a dangerous goods store approximately 100m by 40m. The system used was a vermiculite barrier system with light gauge mesh providing a full 3 hour FRL. The challenge in this situation is managing the wet load on the structure which was done by propping the purlins. Once the vermiculite had set and dried it lost around 60% of its density and could be supported by the roof structure.

The project above is a substation in Parramatta where the transformer concrete walls have been upgraded with Promatect H 25mm board, direct fixed to the concrete. This is to prevent concrete spalling and failure in the case of an oil fire which will create extreme temperatures in excess of 1000 degrees c. In this situation or where there is a potential for a fuel fire, the fire protection system must have Hydrocarbon Testing to withstand the heat generated from a fuel fire.

Project One Lend Lease Hickson Road.

This is a typical fire corridor where the BCA requires protection to the occupants from all services/fire sources above the ceiling. This picture shows our use of a Promat L500 solid system. The system includes 50mm boards supported from underneath with galvanised steel angles and channels. The main advantages being BCA compliance, fast to install and thinner than most other systems available.

Broadway Shopping Centre

Vermiculux bulk head around P.V.C. pipes in a fire passage.